I have not known mercy since April 22nd, 2022.
Also I'm gonna assume you've read the main story so... spoilers for Everything, really. Go read the story before looking at this. Should only take 30 minutes tops?
Honestly this page is like... a promoted version of a personal Google doc of my headcanons. But harder to format. But I don't want to share that document so this will do.
Check back often for more of my disease!



Look at these little scringly dinglies. Look at these little plondgey spolongies. They met in Sunny Park for a competition to see who was The Best (Retsu won this) and look at them now. The weirdest found family of teens to ever exist in this godsforsaken world.
Sunny Park (the location in the Pop'n World) is still a frequent meeting spot for them, though ever since they learned about Lapistoria they spend a lot of time there too.
They only have about 3.5 braincells between them. Hiumi always has 2 of them, and the remaining 1.5 bounce between the other 3. Fuga usually has the whole and Rinka has the half. Of course it changes hands, but that's not very often.
You may have noticed the button said (OR 6). The twins are the other two Tsugidoka members to me. Specifically post-Lapistoria, though; during the course of the story they're still friends (of course) but after all of that goes down, they're officially let in. Nia's more open with them once this happens and provides an extra braincell that Toa never gets.
We won't talk about Jin from éclale, but that's just because éclale doesn't live in my head like Lapistoria does. He exists sometimes.
They're all in the same year, so the ages go Fuga (oldest) -> Retsu -> Jin if we want to count him for this -> Hiumi -> Rinka -> Nia and Toa (Toa is the younger twin, so he's the youngest overall too). I don't have an exact age in mind, though.
None of these kids are cishet, fuck you. Do you want specifics? You'll get them.
Mister Gayboy. He and Fuga totally have something going on.
Mister Gayboy Numero Dos. Also transed his gender. Again, he and Retsu have something going on.
2nd biggest lesbian in Lapistoria, bested only by Miyu. Gets crushes really easily. Currently with Nia- translating the game did something to me when it came to those two...
Demi with a female lean. She's really gotta know someone to feel something. And that's valid, you know!
Ace lesbian who also transed her gender. Took some time to figure the lesbian part out, but once she and Rinka got to know each other a bit more, bam. I had a vision.
Bi with no particular lean and also transed his gender. I had a different vision of him and Takuto being boyfriends once and haven't known peace since.
And now you're ready to look at every member by themselves!

I feel this one is more "common knowledge" than headcanon (widely accepted headcanon that may or may not have been birthed from Fandom wiki misinformation, but Anelis hints at it, so...?), but I'll put it here regardless; much of his immediate family perished in a house fire, with only him and Akane surviving. This is why he's raised and trained by her, to ensure something like that doesn't happen again. Was it his fault? He doesn't know (repression baby) and Akane doesn't tell him. Not that he really wants to know. He has a lot of burn scars from the incident, though.
Whatever caused that incident, it's resulted in him trying to control his emotions more when he's indoors, especially at home. "At home" is a liquor store, after all, and alcohol is flammable. He stocks the tall shelves that his grandma can't reach, and it isn't uncommon to see him with glasses when he's there.
His crow familiar is named Kaibun and has been around for quite a while, apparently having served as Akane's familiar at a point. Retsu has a small interest in ornithology and has befriended every single crow wherever he goes, both because of her. She's a bit of a spoiled bird, honestly.
The maternal side of his family (incidentally, the side Akane is on) has had a generations-old blood pact with Flamme, one of Sunny Park's spirits, and this is the source of his magic. Retsu renewed it at her behest since it was starting to fade, giving him a cross-like scar under his wristband. And also small floating wings of fire. They get bigger when he's casting strong spells, either of his own or borrowing her power (which has consequences).
Warm to the touch as if he has a small fever (usually never the case) and loves to hug and be hugged. Only if he really trusts someone, though. But he's easily trusting, so congratulations! Hugging rights!
Each member of the crew has that one arcade game that they're really fucking good at. To no one's surprise, Retsu's is Pop'n. His skill's comparable to that of Tatsu.
...That being said, though, he's also pretty good at the drums in Gitadora. Not as good as Rinka, though. They rival each other.

Before meeting the crew he was practically mute, only speaking to himself or his family. Still not very wordy with people outside of the crew (Albireo being an exception to this, as Fuga considers him to be an uncle figure), but he tries to make an effort to talk when needed.
This one is a bit rooted in canon, but he likes to give yoyos as gifts to anyone he considers a friend. He even offers to teach them some tricks if they want! The one thing he can't teach, though, is how to use the yoyo to cast magic. He tried it with Retsu once and the string burnt away and turned the yoyo into a fireball, and that... kind of caused some issues in Sunny Park.
Needless to say, the spirits of the park were not too pleased with this, so he doesn't risk trying it with the rest of the crew.
Believe it or not, he made the first move with Retsu. This was some time after the Sunny Park competition, but before Lapistoria. He's really cuddly and a certified big spoon. Let me have this.
Fuga's arcade game of choice is DDR. He gets overwhelmed easily in arcades if they're anything like Round 1 (dark and loud), so he doesn't get to play often... when he does play, though, he's a beast at it.

Her nature magic is actually a specialized variant of earth magic; she was taught the latter by Taiga at a young age, but ended up diversifiying because she just. Felt like flowers and stuff suited her more. She was probably right to feel like that. Only in really bad situations would she go back to breaking the earth.
She's been friends with the Genes flowers since she was a kid, and knowing them eventually led her to befriending Flora, the other spirit of Sunny Park. A friendship gift of vine bracelets eventually reacted with her magic and sorta... brute-forced their way into turning into a blood pact. So now Rinka has vines embedded in her skin that sometime move on ther own accord. Don't worry about it. (She isn't mad about this.)
Was dating Hiumi at one point, but they broke up on good terms because they're happier just being friends. Some time later, she got a crush on Nia- it's only after the events of Lapistoria that they officially start dating.
...Rinka is extremely prone to crushes, but don't worry, she's got someone to shower with love! Within moderation. Nia does in fact get overwhelmed easily.
Gitadora queen! Mains the drums and goes OFF. It has never failed to surprise her friends.
...Also, there's a shinigami out there that looks like her in her 2P palette. Rinka doesn't know what her deal is, but she's seen her around. (remember when she was in the void at the start of the second half? Yeah.)

Her latent magic is the strongest of the crew, usually manifesting as a chilly aura around her. It lowers the temperature of rooms she's in by a small amount, and her skin is cold to the touch as well.
Does it still count as a workplace relationship if the workplace in question is a student council? ...Whatever the consensus is on that, probably doesn't matter because she does reciprocate Miyu's feelings, at least a little bit. Probably tries to keep it professional still. Definitely has to reel back Miyu when she gets jealous of Rinka for whatever reason. ("We are Just Friends please calm down-")
She's the one who keeps the replica of Jadeite's cloak that Toa made. Uses it as a blanket- not that she ever gets TOO cold with that frosty aura of hers, but she just likes how it feels. Apparently he spared no expense in making it super comfy.
THE best Reflec Beat player in all of the Pop'n World and Lapistoria. She owns a cab at home that runs Volzza 2 on its own network. Mentioning Reflesia to her will send her into a passionate rant about how it killed the series and Pastel-kun is out of a job and home because of it.
(Actually, Pastel lives with her now. But it shouldn't have had to come down to that.)
She's also learning how to play Nostalgia, too, because something about its aesthetic just gets to her.

(I'll be talking about both of them here... eventually...)


(check back whenever I finish the Tsugidoka section!!!)

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