The original lapis, the overseer of Lapistoria in MZD's stead. The benevolent Lapis Origin (who will be referred to as simply "Origin" on the rest of this page, live with it) oversaw the world for ages, all alone... seemingly corrupted by its loneliness, it masterminds the 2nd half of the story.
It isn't actually playable until the next game.
L-an!ma by "Master of Lapis" (PON, wac and TAG) is its song.
MZD left Origin with a task when it was first made; to bring lots of friends to Lapistoria in order to have it prosper. So long of being left to its own devices left it to think he had abandoned the fledgling world, though, so its actions were taken to a new level. Taking Jade as a vessel, it influenced his actions and created an aspiration to become the world's god, and in the process cutting the link between it and the Pop'n World. Which, of course... not the best thing for either world! The Tsugidoka crew eventually stop it from possessing Jade and MZD swoops in to get it to reconsider its plans. Unfortunately, the reconsideration leads it to deactivate...
What happens next depends entirely on if you clear Anelis or not. Please do not fail it.
ATTACK/OPTIONS: "I shall collect them." (回収します)
DAMAGE: "Why are you here?" (何故ここに?)
GOOD PLAY: "All is well." (順調です)
BAD PLAY: "What is the matter?" (どうしました)
WIN: "Prosperity!" (繁栄を!)
LOSE: "Ceasing operation..." (機能停止…)
I love a fucked up little rock. Please don't ask me why it took so long for me to make this page :')