Suiri is a part of the school's newspaper club, toting herself as the ace reporter always on the scene. But this is a front of sorts- in reality, she's a(n aspiring) Genius Detective who searches high and low for mysteries to solve! She's rather eccentric and takes her work very seriously, but rest assured that if you come to her with a case, it will be solved (to an extent)!

In this game, she wields the red heart lapis.

Who done it?! by m@sumi☆ayaka☆ is her song.


Seeking something, anything to make a boring day more exciting, Suiri gets wrapped up in the chaos by encountering Retsu and sensing that he needs a mystery solved; this leads her to spy on Fuga as he meets up with the three revolutionaries. She gets caught, but let go due to not really posing a threat to anything going on, taking with her an understanding of lapis purification that may make Retsu happy! ...which didn't really go well. Soon after his rampage starts, she gets knocked out by Elenoa so that she doesn't get involved any further. This isn't an exaggeration.


ATTACK/OPTIONS: "A new case...!" (事件っす…!)
DAMAGE: "My scoop, gahhh!!" (特ダネがぁぁ)
GOOD PLAY: "Into the memo!" (メモメモっと)
BAD PLAY: "Have I been spotted?!" (気付かれたか)
WIN: "Interview complete!" (取材完了!)
LOSE: "I missed it..." (逃したっす…)



So... who done it?! M@sumi done it! She's done it again! Love that song but the hyper chart is hell! Suiri is a silly girl though so she can get a pass.

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