Intent on disturbing the peace wherever she goes, Sumire has traveled far and wide with her Black-Ear Bunny corps with... not much success, let's be honest. She's landed now in Lapistoria as a student, and her chaotic ways take root now as pranks! There's still not a lot of success to be found, but she never gives up, as the road to evil was not built in a day. And when she gets caught, you'd best not forget her!

In this game, she wields the pink diamond lapis.

Perverse Heart ~あまのじゃく~ by EGOISTIC LEMONTEA is her song.


Limited to sidestories as she causes chaos throughout the school. In her own, she attempts to waste the time of male students by sending out fake love letters, only for 1. that to fail and 2. for Kiryu to try and apprehend her. She returns again in Kiryu's own sidestory as Madoka's finishing move to break his spirit, but Fuga chasing her down (because she stole his yoyo and replaced it with a water balloon) makes the plan fall through and Kiryu's spirit burns brighter than ever.



ATTACK/OPTIONS: "Charge!!" (とつげき)
DAMAGE: "Ahh!" (あんっ!)
GOOD PLAY: "Naturally!" (とーぜんよね)
BAD PLAY: "You coward!" (卑怯者めっ!)
WIN: "I work hard every day!" ♪ (日々精進ね♪)
LOSE: "Remember this!!" (覚えてなさい)



Good lord I can talk about this girl a lot. I'm gonna keep talking.

A lot of sites have said that Sumire originally wielded the pink jewel lapis. But I found a video that shows, for a split second upon starting the song, that she still had the pink diamond... on the release day of Lapistoria (The image says the 24th but that's just due to my timezone). So someone probably made that up. But think about the implications of that if it weren't fake. What could have caused her lapis to change...? We'll never know, because it is, in fact, likely fake.

Unless someone wants to contact me with a source. Or maybe it was at the location test? That seems a lot more likely.

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