Taiga is Rinka's older brother, cutting quite an intimidating figure with his rugged looks. Get past those, though, and you'll find that he's actually a huge softie who likes cute animals and is really protective over his little sister. ...REALLY protective, I should say; if there's any guy approaching her that seems weird, he'll quite literally punch the earth open to keep them from getting near her.
In this game, he wields the yellow diamond lapis.
KARAKARA by sei☆shin×KEN is his song.
Taiga watches over Rinka from a distance from the moment she comes to Lapistoria, which (since she doesn't realize it's him) makes her uneasy and results in Retsu confronting him, thinking he's a stalker. After clearing up the misunderstanding, Rinka purifies his lapis, and all's well for a bit. ...'till Rinka goes missing and Taiga gets Hiumi to help him look for her.
In a side story, he takes note of Fuga's yoyo skill attracting the cats nearby and gets some lessons to do the same. It doesn't go well, sadly.
ATTACK/OPTIONS: "I'll blow you away!" (吹っ飛ばす!)
DAMAGE: "Don't worry!" (ドンマイ!)
GOOD PLAY: "What's so funny?" (笑えんのか?)
BAD PLAY: "Owowowow!!" (イタタタ!!)
WIN: "Li'l sis~" (い妹よぉぉ~)
LOSE: "F-forgive me..." (ゆ…許せ~)
There's not really a good place to put this, but he's able to break open the earth with his punches because he has earth magic. Rinka was planned to have that, but it got changed to plant magic to better go with her Sunny Park song. It works quite well, doesn't it?
I do like Taiga. He reminds me of Brady from Fire Emblem.