Rars meets his personal idol in the school's church...?!
Clearing this story will unlock the song Bloody Mary and its character, Yuli.
(I believe this is the church... It's quite interesting. This is where everyone goes to pray...) | これが教会か・・・ なかなか趣があるな ここで皆祈りをささげるのか・・・ |
(Wait... is that...?!) | あ・・・あれは・・・!? |
(S-Sir Yuli?! The charismatic vocalist of the charismatic band Deuil?!) | ユ・・・ユーリ様!? カリスマバンド 「Deuil」の カリスマボーカリスト ユーリ様!? |
(Could I be able to speak with him? But to do so in private... but this might be the only chance I get! Aghh, just do it, Rars!) | 話しかけていいのか? でもプライベートだし・・・ だがこれを逃せば二度はない! 行け! ラーズ! |
U-UM!! | あ あの! | |
Hm? What is it? | ん?なんだ? | |
A-Are you Sir Yuli?! | ユ ユーリ様ですよね!? | |
I am, but- | そうだが | |
OH, JESUS!!! It really is you! I'm a huge fan! I've loved your work ever since WHITE BIRDS!!! | OH ジーザス!本物だ! ファンです! WHITE BIRDSの頃から大好きです! |
I-is that so... I'm grateful. | そ そうか・・・ 感謝する |
Um... are you really okay with being in a church? | あの・・・ 教会とか大丈夫なんですか? |
What do you mean by that? | なんのことだ? | |
Well... since you're a vampire... | その・・・ヴァンパイア的に・・・ | |
It seems peoples' views on vampires are different in this world, as well. I have no problem with churches, crosses or sunlight. | この世界でもヴァンパイア観に 差があるようだな 教会も十字架も日光も 何も問題はない |
...well, I still don't like getting sunburned, so I tend to avoid staying in the sun for too long. | まあ 日焼けはしたくないから あまり日差しの 強いところは避けたいが |
P-Please forgive me for such a question! | し 失礼しました! | |
Don't worry. This is a question I get often. | よくあることだ 気にするな |
Then... does all of this mean you're able to eat garlic? | では ニンニクなんかも召し上がったりするんですかね? | |
Garlic, hm...? | ニンニクだと・・・? | |
(...does that mean the garlic thing is true...?!) | ・・・まさかニンニクは ダメなのか・・・!? |
Garlic is fine for me to eat. Ash uses it in the food he makes often, especially in his Italian dishes. | ニンニクも問題ない アッシュの作る料理でも イタリアンなどによく使われる |
(It wasn't an insensitive question...!) | 問題なかったー! | |
The smell of garlic can overwhelm me, though, so I would rather not have a lot of it. | においが気になるから 多く食べる気にはならないな |
I see! | なるほどー | |
Do you have any more questions? | 質問は以上かな? | |
Right, this wasn't the time to be asking such trivial things... | そうだ こんなことを 聞いている場合ではなかった |
Forgive me for earlier. I got a little too excited. | 失礼 ついテンションが あがってしまいました |
I am aspiring to become a vocalist recognized by the entire universe, so I was hoping that you could give me some advice. | 私は宇宙の誰もが認める ボーカリストになりたいのですが なにかアドバイスを頂けないかと |
Recognized by the entire universe, huh... given I started singing as a hobby, it's hard for me to give advice on achieving such a lofty goal. | 宇宙の誰もが認める・・・か 元々趣味で始めた私では そんな壮大な目標に対して 助言は難しいが |
It started as a hobby?! ...Still, there has to be some reason why your songs capture the hearts of so many... | 趣味だったのですか!? それでも多くの人の心をつかむのは 何か理由があるはず・・・ |
Hmm... How about we try playing Pop'n, then? | うーむ・・・ ならばポップンをしてみる というのはどうだろうか |
Words may not be able to convey anything, but you may be able to sense something as we play. | 言葉では伝えることは何もないが 何か感じ取れるかもしれない |
Huh?! Are you sure about this?! | えっ!?よろしいのですか!? | |
Do you not want to play? | では やめておくか? | |
Nonono! I do! By all means!! | いやいやいや! 是非に!是非に! |
Fufu. Let's begin, then. | ふふ ではいくぞ |
(Hm, quite impressive. I wonder if he was able to learn anything.) | ふむ なかなかやるな 何かつかめただろうかる |
Of course... the roses...! Donning roses is the way to become a first-class vocalist...! | そうか・・・バラか・・・! バラをまとうことが 一流ボーカリストへの道・・・! |
Thank you so much! I feel like I've learned something! | ありがとうございました! なにかつかめた気がします! |
I look forward to the day I can stand by your side on stage! Until then! | いつか同じ舞台に立てることを 楽しみにしています! それでは! |
(...I have to wonder if he'll be alright...) | ・・・本当に大丈夫だろうか・・・ | |
(Even in this world, there's always interesting people to meet. Looks like I'll never be bored.) | この世界にも なかなかおもしろい者がいるな 退屈せずに済みそうだ |
(Upon clearing this story, Bloody Mary will be available in the Lapistoria folder for permanent play, and Yuli will become playable.)
(I really didn't want to translate this story since I don't have fond memories of any Deuil members, but a story is a story. I have no forgiveness for the "fans" of these guys who hurt me and my friends.)