Not everyone can see the spirit on Takuto's shoulder, but there is someone who can...
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This story was available by entering the code found on the 「思うままに生きる果てには」 ("To No Longer Live as You Wish", released July 30th, 2014) card, which you can see here. This scan is my own and you can use it as a profile picture or whatnot. DON'T PUT IT ON THE FANDOM WIKI.
Special thanks to this video on Niconico for the transcript.
(Who's that? Don't think I've seen that one around before. They look interesting, though, so I'll try talkin' to them.) | なんだ? 見たことないやつだな おもしろそうだし ちょっと話してみるか |
Hey, you! | おい お前! | |
What is it? | なんだい? | |
I'm not talking to you! I'm talking to the thing on your shoulder. | お前じゃなくて その肩に乗ってるやつだよ |
...?! You... you can see her? | ・・・!? キミは・・・ コイツが見えるのか? |
Huh? What're you talking about? Why wouldn't I be able to see- | はぁ? なに言ってんだ お前 見えるもなにも・・・ |
There's too many people here. Let's keep talking in that classroom. | ここは人が多い そこの教室に入ろう |
So... why're you clinging to this guy like this? | それで なんでお前 コイツにひっついてんだ? |
I want Takuto to play the piano for me so that I can grow bigger and bigger. | タクトにピアノを弾いて欲しいの それで どんどん大きくなりたいの |
Takuto, eh... are you in a creative slump or something? | タクト・・・って ひっつかれてるお前だよな? |
...I don't play the piano anymore...! | ・・・僕はもう ピアノは弾かない・・・! |
Huh? Why not? Isn't it a good thing that you're able to play at all? | えー なんでだよ ピアノ弾くくらいいーじゃんか |
Right, there was a time where you'd play every day, if you remember... | そうだよ 昔は毎日弾いていたのに・・・ |
I... don't have the talent to keep playing... | 僕には・・・ 才能がないんだ・・・ |
You see... whenever I played, it was usually when this little one was possessing me... | そう・・・ コイツにとりつかれて 弾いてからだ・・・ |
My teacher praised me often and I was able to win a prize in a competition, but not through my own skill. All of it was because of her... | 先生にも誉められたし コンクールで入賞もした だけどそれ僕の実力じゃないんだ・・・ |
I was really desperate to hear Takuto play the piano... desperate enough to possess him... | タクトにどうしても ピアノを弾いて欲しくて それで・・・ とりついて・・・ |
And in reality... I have no talent at all... | 本当の僕は・・・ 才能なんてない・・・ |
So what, then? Do you hate the piano now? | なんだよー じゃあもうピアノ嫌いなのか? |
That's not it at all! I do still love the piano... even now, I want to play it, but... | 嫌いなもんか! ピアノは好きだよ・・・ 今だって・・・弾きたいよ・・・ |
You don't make any sense. Why don't you just keep playing whatever you want, then? Your talent shouldn't have to matter! | なーんだ だったら才能とか関係なく 好きに弾いたらいーじゃねーか |
That's right... I was never playing the piano for anyone's approval... | そう・・・だ 僕は誰かに認めてもらいたくて ピアノを弾いている わけじゃなかったんだ・・・ |
I'm so sorry... if I knew you had these troubles, then... | ごめんなさい そんな悩みがあったなんて・・・ |
No, it's okay. I was just overthinking it all. In the end, all I had to do was play the piano however I liked. | いや いいんだ 僕が考え過ぎていただけ 僕はただ好きなようにピアノを 弾くだけで良かったんだ |
Thank you... Because of you, Takuto's finally motivated to play the piano again. You're a very kind demon! | ありがとう おかげでタクトが またピアノを弾いてくれそうだよ アクマのに優しいんだね |
*gasp!* I-it's not like I care about you or your piano! Because I don't!!! | はっ! べっ・・・べっつにー お前のピアノなんて きょーみねーからー! |
Ah, there he goes... | あっ 行っちゃった・・・ | |
A kind demon, and kinda funny too... Well, c'mon! Let's go play some piano now! | おもしろいアクマだったね さあ! 早くピアノを弾こう! |
Yeah! Let's do it! | うん! そうしよう! |
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