Rinka can't shake the feeling she's being followed...
Clearing this story will unlock the song KARAKARA and its character, Taiga.
Hey, Retsu? I need to talk to you about something... | 烈くん ちょっと相談があるんだけど・・・ |
Hm? What's wrong? | ん? どうしたー? |
It might be my imagination, but I feel like someone's been following and watching me lately. It has me really on edge... | 気のせいかもしれないんだけど なんだか最近つけられてるっていうか なんか視線を感じるんだよね・・・ |
WHAT?! You've got a stalker?! | えー!? それってストーカー!? |
Hold on! Keep your voice down!! | ちょっと! 声が大きいよ! |
Hmm... Well, I'll keep my eye out for any suspicious folk, see if they're who's following you. | うーん・・・ とりあえずオレが怪しい奴がいないか 調べてみるぜ |
Thank you. I hope I'm just imagining it... | ありがとう 気のせいだといいんだけど・・・ |
Heeey, Rinkaaa! | おーい鈴花〜 | |
Retsu! Did you find anything? | 烈くん! どうだった? |
I saw a shady guy! | いたぞ、怪しい奴! | |
What?! What do we do?! | ええーっ!? どうしよう! |
Well, they're still over there. | っていうか今もいる | |
Whaaat?!?! I dunno what to do!! | ええええーっ!? ますますどうしよう! |
Then I'll teach 'em a lesson! | とりあえずオレが捕まえてくる! | |
W-wait! It's too dangerous! RETSUUU!!! | え、待って! 危ないよ! 烈くーん!! |
GRAAAAH! I'VE GOT YOU NOW, STALKER! | どりゃあああ! 捕まえたぞ! このストーカーめ! |
HUH?! S-stalker?! | うおおおお!? ス ストーカー!? |
Don't play dumb with me! You've been following Rinka all day, haven't you?! | とぼけんな! ずっと鈴花のことつけてただろ!? |
Retsu!! Are you OK?! | 大丈夫!? 烈くん! | |
...wait, what?! BROTHER?! | ってあれ!? お兄ちゃん!? |
"Brother"?! | お兄ちゃん!? | |
WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?! | なにやってるのこんなところで! | |
I've been worried sick about you, so I was keepin' an eye on you, of course! | そりゃお前のことが心配で 追っかけてきたに決まってるだろ! |
I guess it's obvious in hindsight... at least everything's ok for now. | 決まってるだろって・・・ とりあえずこっちは大丈夫だから |
No, uh, actually... I'm in a bit of trouble myself... | いやそれがな・・・ ちょっと困ったことになっててな・・・ |
The thing is... my lapis right now is like this... | 実は・・・ ラピスがこんな状況で・・・ |
It's... polluted?! | これは・・・汚染されてる!? | |
Even if I wanted to, I haven't been able to go back to the Pop'n World with it like this. | ポップンワールドに戻ろうにも 戻れなくなっていてな |
I see. Then, Rinka, how about you try purifying it? | なるほど じゃあ鈴花、浄化してみたらどうだ? |
Alright. Since it's Taiga's, I guess this is the perfect training ground for me! | そうだね お兄ちゃんのなら練習台にピッタリかも |
Huh? Training ground? Hold up... what exactly are you gonna do with my lapis?! | え? 練習台・・・? ちょっ・・・ オレのラピスをどうするつもりだー! |
Hyah! LOVE PROFUSION!!~ | えいっ! 恋閃繚乱〜!! |
AAAAAAAAH! | ああああああああ! | |
Whew! How was that? | ふうっ! どうかな? |
MY LAPIIIS! Huh? What? It's clean again...? | オレのラピスー! ん? なんだ? きれいになった・・・? |
Ooh! Looks like you did it! | おお! うまくいったみたいだな |
WOOOOO! THAT'S MY SISTER! I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!!! | うおおお! さすがわが姉! 信じてたぞ! |
You're shouting so hard... | すっごい悲鳴あげてたけど・・・ | |
Alright! Now that that's done, let's play some Pop'n- it's been a while! | よしっ! それじゃあ久々にオレとポップンしてみるか! |
OK! I wanna see if I purified it right, too! | うん きちんと浄化できたかも試したいし! |
I won! | やったー! | |
Th-that's my sister... | さ・・・さすがわが姉 | |
Don't worry about me, ok? I'll take care of everything here. You should head back to the Pop'n World. | それはもういいから とりあえずこっちはなんとかするから ポップンワールドに戻ってね |
No way! As excellent as you are, you're still just a kid, Rinka! I'm gonna be watchin' over you from here on. | いや! 優秀な姉とはいえ まだまだ子供! これからもちゃんとこっちで 見守っているからな |
What?! What're you gonna do if your lapis gets polluted again?! | ええー!? またラピスが汚染されたりしたら どうするの!? |
Hahaha! I'll be just fine! If that happens, I'll ask you to purify it again! | ハッハッハ! 大丈夫大丈夫! そのときはまた 鈴花に浄化してもらえばいいさ |
He's a real intense brother for sure... | なかなか強烈なお兄さんだな・・・ | |
I'm glad I don't have a stalker, though... | ストーカーじゃなくて 良かったけどね・・・ |
(Upon clearing this story, KARAKARA will be available in the Lapistoria folder for permanent play, and Taiga will become playable.)