As he watches over Rinka, something else catches Taiga's eye...?
Clearing this story will unlock the うおおおおおお sound lettering.
A Shadow Chasing Rinka must be cleared in order to play this story.
I wonder if Rinka's gonna be okay... Hopefully she won't run into trouble while headin' home... | 鈴花は大丈夫だろうか・・・ 下校中に危ない目に 遭わないだろうか・・・ |
*gasp!!* What... what's that cute little critter...?! | はっ!! な・・・なんだあの かわいい生物は・・・!? |
So cute...! | かわいい・・・ | |
Huh? Was that Taiga? Wonder where he's going... | あれ?お兄ちゃん? どこに行くんだろう・・・ |
(Hrm...? That guy... that's one of Rinka's friends. ...Retsu, I think?) | む・・・?あれは・・・ 鈴花の友人の・・・ 烈・・・だっけ? |
シュィィィン | ||
(W-whoaah!! All the cats are crowdin' around his yoyo...!!) | う・・・うおおおお!! 彼のヨーヨーにネコが群がっていく・・・!! |
(If I had that kind of skill, I'd be able to play with the cats, too...!) | うあの技さえあれば オレも ネコと触れ合えるのか・・・! |
Hm? Aren't you Rinka's brother...? | あれ?鈴花のお兄さん・・・? | |
Ack-!! H-hey, Retsu! What a coincidence that I've run into you here of all places! | はっ!! や やぁ烈くん! 奇遇だねこんなところで |
It's Fuga, actually. If you're looking for your sister, she isn't here. | 風雅です 姉さんなら いませんよ |
Ah... no- hahaha! Your yoyo-ing's something else! | あ・・・いやぁ ははは! すばらしいヨーヨーさばきだね! |
...? Something's weird with you. | ・・・? なんだか様子がおかしいな |
Who is this, Fuga? | 風雅君 こちらは? | |
This is my friend's older brother, Taiga. | 友人のお兄さんの大牙さんです | |
Taiga, is it? Nice to meet you. My name is Albireo, and I am the head waiter of a local restaurant. | 大牙さんですか はじめまして わたくし レストランで給仕長をやっております アルビレオと申します |
If you ever have the chance, please be sure to visit the restaurant. ...meow. | 機会がありましたら レストランにもご来店ください ・・・にゃん |
So you're Mr. Albireo? Ah! Um! | アルビレオさんですか あ!あの! |
Yes? What is it? | はい なんでしょう | |
Do cats really like yoyos? | やっぱりネコは ヨーヨーがお好きなんですか? |
At least in this area, cats absolutely adore Fuga's yoyo. Fufufu... | この界隈のネコは 風雅君のヨーヨーのとりこですよ フフフ・・・ |
('s the only way...) | ・・・これしかない・・・ |
Could it be that you like cats too? Want me to teach you how to yoyo? | もしかして ネコ好きなんですか? ヨーヨー教えましょうか? |
R-really?! | ほ・・・ほんとか! | |
Hold it like this... put your fingers there... Now, try to make it spin. | こう持って・・・指を・・・ シュィィィンとやってみてください |
WOOOOO!! KITTIIIIIIES!!! | うおおおおお!! ネコおおおおお!!! |
ギュルルルル ドカァ!!!! |
MROWWWWW!!! | ニギャァァァ!!! | |
Nooo, the kittiiiies... All of them ran away... | うおネコがぁぁぁ・・・ 一匹残らず去ってしまった・・・ |
You put way too much force into throwing it... | チカラを入れすぎなんですよ・・・ |
(Upon clearing this story, the うおおおおおお effect will be available to apply. Press 0 on the character select screen to apply it, and keep an eye on your time limit!)