Do I really want to explain what happens to Nia in Lapistoria AGAIN? No, not really, but I really need to fill the gap. Net Taisen quotes are, as you may have guessed, are easiest to see in Net Taisen. But the Attack quote shows up in the options menu, and the win/lose quotes, well... are There. It's just the damage and play quotes that need Net Taisen. Or Party Mode for you Portable 2 players.
ATTACK/OPTIONS: "I won't run away." (逃げたくない)
DAMAGE: "Don't touch me...!" (さわらないで)
GOOD PLAY: "Can you hear me?" (聴こえますか)
BAD PLAY: "I don't want to hear this..." (聴きたくない)
WIN: "We meet at last...!" (やっと会えた)
LOSE: "Can't go back..." (戻れない…)
When I feel motivated to work on the site again...
red |
yellow |
green |
blue |
purple |
pink |
black |
"white" |
big rock |
scarlet crow |
pugyutto 1 |
pugyutto 2 |