Here, you can obtain the medals for all of Tsugidoka (Retsu, Rinka, Fuga and Hiumi; they have a bonus with each other!), plus Takuto, Michiru, Miyu (has a bonus with Hiumi due to student council) and... Madoka. Ech.
Come forth~ spirit burning ever bright~♪ Hmhmhmm... | いでよ〜灼熱の精霊よ〜♪っとくらあ | |
Ah! Retsu, perfect timing! | あっ!烈だ ちょうどいいところに! |
Oh, what's up? Are you in some kinda trouble? | おう ど〜した? なんか困ってんのか? |
Well, I got this medal a while back, but now it's so dirty that I can't seem to use it right. | 実はさっき手に入れたメダルなんだけど 黒ずんでて使えないみたいんだ |
I feel like I've heard this story before... ah well. Lemme see what I can do. | どっかで聞いたことある話だなぁ まあ いっちょやってみるか |
...Purify! | ・・・浄化ッ! | |
Woah, amazing! It's all shiny now! Thanks a bunch, Retsu! | わあーすごいや! ピカピカだよ ありがと一烈サマ! |
Oh, right! Now that that's done, let's have a fair medal battle, here and now! | おーっと! ここは公平にメダルバトルと行こうぜ |
Count me in!~ | その勝負 乗った〜! | |
Alriiight! I'm not gonna lose!! | よっしゃ!まけねーぞ! |
Fuga! Can you teach me some yoyo tricks? | 風雅! ヨーヨーの技を教えて〜 |
...ah, okay. | ・・・ああ いいよ |
Huh? Something's attached to his yoyo... is that his medal?? | あれっ そのヨーヨーにはまっているのは・・・ もしかしてメダル?? |
That's right. The added weight stablizes the rotation, so it lets me do some new tricks... | そうだよ おもりで回転が安定するから これで新しい技を・・・ |
Oooh, gotcha!~ Alright, then! Let's battle for that medal! | へ〜そうなんだ! よ〜し!そのメダルを賭けて勝負しよう! |
Okay. Let's test these new tricks out... | いいよ 新しい技を見せてあげ・・・ |
If we win, you'll give us the yoyo as well, right? | 私たちが勝ったら そのヨーヨーもくれるんだよね? |
No... that's kinda... this yoyo is my friend... | いや・・・ それはちょっと・・・ ヨーヨーは友達で・・・ |
OK! Battle... staaaaart!~ | よし!バトルスタート〜! | |
H-hold on... | ちょ・・・まって・・・ |
Rinka! I see youuu! | 鈴花ちゃん!み〜っけ! | |
Huh? Mimi, Nyami! What's up? | あれれ?ミミちゃんニャミちゃん どうしたの〜 |
MZD's got us running errands again... | MZDのおつかいでね・・・ | |
That sounds pretty rough. I'm glad to see you guys, though! I bet I'll make a lot of flowers grow now!~ | それは大変だねぇ でも会えてうれしいな! お花いっぱい咲いちゃうよ〜 |
Woah! You're in full bloom, Rinka!! By the way, it doesn't seem like Taiga's with you today, huh? | わぁ!花さか鈴花ちゃん!! そういえば今日って大牙くんは 一緒じゃないんだね |
Knowing my brother... I'd probably say he's chasing around a cat he found somewhere. | お兄ちゃんかぁ またどこかで猫でも見つけて 追いかけてるのかもね |
Fufufu! Sounds like you're a cat lover! | ふふふ!意外に猫好きだよねえ! | |
I love rabbits as well! ♪ | 私はうさぎも大好きだよ♪ | |
Ooh! We should have a battle, then! | おお!ぜひ一緒にバトルでも! | |
OK!~ Here I go!~ ♪ | オッケ〜! いっくよ〜♪ |
Hey there, Hiumi!~ | 氷海さん!こんにちは〜 | |
Oh! Hello, Mimi, Nyami. It's rare to see you two around here. | あら! ミミさんニャミさんこんにちは こんなところで珍しいですわね |
We're helping MZD out today! | 今日はMZDのおつかいですの! | |
Is it only the two of you? That might be trouble for MZD. | まあ今度はお二人が? MZDも困ったものですわね |
Thankfully, my work for the student council is done for the day. Is there any way I can help you two out? | 生徒会の仕事もひと段落つきましたの わたくしに何かお手伝いできまして? |
You're so kind...! We've gotta tell him about you!~ | なんてやさしさ・・・! MZDにも分けてあげて〜! |
Will you have a battle with us? | 私たちとバトルしてくれないかな? | |
Very well- but I won't hold anything back. Is that alright with you? | 手加減はいたしませんよ それでもよろしくて? |
Please give it your all!~ | お願いしま〜す! |
How are you today, Miyu? | ごきげんよう!美結ちゃん! | |
Look at that massive paper stack! It looks like the student council has a lot on their plate... | 書類が山積み! 生徒会の仕事って大変そうだね〜 |
This is nothing compared to the work on the president's own desk. | 会長のお仕事に比べれば どうってことありませんわ |
The student council president is Hiumi, right? | 氷海さんが生徒会長なんだよね | |
That's right...! She's so beautiful, and precise to the point of perfection... truly, no one in this world is better qualified to be student council president than Hiumi... | そう・・・!美しい上に仕事も完璧・・・ 氷海様以上に会長にふさわしい方など この世におりません・・・ |
*gasp!* No, I mustn't get distracted! The next meeting is going to start soon! Please excuse me...! | はっ!いけませんわ! そろそろ生徒会の会議がございますの それでは・・・ |
Ah! Hold on a second, Miyu! | あ!美結ちゃん ちょっと待って〜! |
AH! HELLO THERE, PRESIDENT!!! | あ!会長だ〜! | |
What?! Where?! Where is she?! | えっ!どこ?どこですの!? | |
Quick, Mimi! Now's our chance! | ほらミミちゃん! 今のうちに! |
With you, we're flyyying through the niiight~♪ | きーみーと一夜〜間〜飛行〜♪ | |
Huh? That singing kinda sounds like... Michiruuu! | あれれ?この歌声はもしかして・・・ ミチルく〜ん! |
Oh! Hey there! Sorry if I was being too loud, I'm just a little worried about tomorrow's show. | やあ!こんにちは うるさくしてごめんね 明日のライブが気になっちゃってさ |
Don't worry about it! If anything, we're pretty lucky to hear you sing live! | いいよいいよ〜 生の歌声が聴けてラッキーだったし! |
Sorry to bug you while you're practicing for the show, but we were hoping to gather a piece of your sound. | ライブ前に悪いんだけど ミチルくんの音のかけらが欲しくて 来たんだ |
From me? Sure, I can help you out after my lesson! Actually, wanna join me? | ボクの音のかけら? レッスンついでならOKだよ!一緒にどう? |
Ooh, you're really fine with this?! Thank you! | おお〜本当にいいの!? ありがとう! |
Now, after singing... we've got a dance lesson! | じゃあ歌の次は・・・ダンスレッスンだよ! | |
Huh?! | おお!? | |
Guess we've got no choice... Let's dance, Nyami! | 仕方ない・・・ニャミちゃん踊るぞ! |
There's Takuto! | タクトくんだ! | |
Hello there. It's rare to see you two here in the music room. | こんにちは 音楽室になんて珍しいね |
Well, we're gathering sound fragments right now... | 今私たち音のかけらを集めてて・・・ | |
(Sound? Takuto, are you gonna play piano for them?!) | オト? タクト ピアノ ひくの!? |
Urgh... the piano...! | うっ・・・ピアノは・・・! | |
Piano? No, we just have to battle to collect the sound fragments. | ピアノ? 音のかけらを集めるには バトルをすればいいみたいなんだ |
A battle, huh... Well, if that's all it is... I'll do it. | バトルか・・・ そのくらいなら・・・いいよ |
(So no piano? What a shame... but a battle sounds fun, too! ♪) | ピアノちがう?ザンネン・・・ でも タノシイ♪ |
Thank you! Let's get right to it, then!~ | ありがとう! さっそくいくよ〜! |
Ohh? You two... what are you up to? | あらぁン? アナタたち・・・何をしているのかしらぁン? |
Professor Madoka! We were just gathering some sound fragments... | まどか先生! 私たち音のかけらを集めに・・・ |
What naughty little kittens you are... | イケナイ仔猫ちゃんたちねェ | |
Huh...? | えっ・・・? | |
The two of you alone in a place like this... I wonder what your true intentions were? | こんなところで二人っきり・・・ 何しようとしてたのかしらぁン |
I already told you... the sound fragments... | ですから・・・音のかけらを・・・ | |
How about I teach you about something much ・ more ・ romantic than that? ♪ | そんなものよりも もっとロマンティックなコト 教えてあ・げ・る♪ |
W-W-W-What do I do...?! Mimi, I'm scared!! This conversation took a really weird turn...! | どどどどうしよう〜ミミちゃん!こわい! どうしても話が変な方向に・・・ |
There's no other way! We're gonna have to bring the battle to her! | しょうがない! このままバトルに持ち込むよ! |
Now, I have nothing against stubborn girls like yourselves. But you better listen to your professor, or ・ punishment ・ will ・ await ・ you! | 強引なコもキライじゃないわン でも先生の話はちゃんと聞かないと お・し・お・き・よォン |