Decide Rinka's fate as she and her crew take a skiing trip!
Clearing this story (for the first time, I must specify) will unlock the Icy (氷) text bubble.
There's at least one other story that does this, but there's 3 different outcomes for the final episode. I'm gonna try to section them off with collapsibles... it's a complicated state of affairs!
Oh yeah, they're all dressed in winter gear for this story. Of course they are!
Alriiight! Let's get skiing! We can snowboard, too! | よっしゃ! スキーだ!スノボだ! |
Who should I ask to teach me how to do those?... | 誰に教えてもらおうかな |
Waugh! A snowstorm, and so suddenly...! I can barely see anything in front of me...! | うわ!急に吹雪いてきた・・・! 前が全然見えない・・・ |
Hey, Rinka! There's a mountain hut this way, so let's get in there for now! | おい鈴花! あそこに山小屋があるから ひとまずあそこに逃げ込むぞ! |
Alright, we made it! It's a bit better now that we're out of the wind. | よし着いた! 風がないといくらかマシだな |
Yeah... but it's still kinda cold in here. | うん・・・ でもやっぱりちょっと寒いね |
Just leave that to me! | オレにまかせろ! | |
Hm...? | えっ・・・? | |
There we go! I lit the fireplace, so now we can warm up! | よっしゃー! 暖炉に火つけたから あったまろうぜ! |
...yeah. Thank you, Retsu. | ・・・うん ありがとう |
Right! Leave this to me! Santa Hurricane! | よし!オレにまかせろ! サンタハリケーン! |
Huh? Santa Hurricane? But this is great! The strength of this wind made the visibility clear! | え?さんたはりけーん? でもすごい!風の力で視界がクリアに! |
Over there is the center lodge! | あっちがセンターロッジじゃよ! | |
What's with that weird tone in your voice, Fuga? * | 風雅くん なんだか口調が変だよ? |
Well, what matters is that the snow isn't hitting us so hard, so I can still count on you! | でも雪も当たらないし 頼りになるね! |
I'll handle this! Hyah! | 私に任せて!えいっ! | |
Huh?! You made some kind of ice tunnel?! | ええーっ!? 氷のトンネルみたいなのが できちゃった!? |
Amazing!! How did you do this?! | すごい!どうやったのこれ!? | |
Hm? How? I just lifted the snow up from the ground, really... | え どうって 足元の雪を持ち上げて・・・ |
Does that mean you could make a kamakura, too? ** | それじゃあ かまくらとかも作れる? |
Yes, of course. | えぇ もちろん | |
Well, I hope you can make one once it clears up. All 4 of us could go in it! | じゃあ晴れたら作ってほしいな 4人で入ろうよ! |
Oh, is that all? I can build one up to 50 meters wide. | あら そのくらいでいいの? 50メートルくらいまでなら作れるけど |
What a massive scale- just what I'd expect from you, Hiumi! | さすが氷海ちゃん スケールが大きいね! |
(Upon clearing this story for the first time, the Icy bubble will be available to apply. Press 0 on the character select screen to apply it, and keep an eye on your time limit! Subsequent plays to see what the other dialogue options are will only give you a slight friendship boost to whoever's present per episode. Same as rereading any other story, really.)