As Nicolas is gathering herbs, he encounters someone strange-looking...?
Clearing this story will unlock the song Symsonic Breeze and its character, Harpya.
Afterschool Laboratory must be cleared in order to play this story.
(Alright, today we're finding more herbs, more herbs... huh...? Who's that... uh... person...?) | よし 今日も薬草薬草・・・ あれ・・・? なんだろう・・・ あの・・・人? |
Hoo hoo... Are you gathering herbs? | ホホウ・・・ 薬草摘みですか? |
Yes. Um... please forgive me, but who are you? | はい あの 失礼ですが どなたでしょう? |
Do pardon me. My name is Harpya. I just wanted to tell you something. | これは失礼 わたくしはハーピア あなたにひとつお伝えしたく |
Huh?! Wh-what is it? | えっ! ? な・・・なんでしょう? |
What you're holding in your hand there... | あなたが手にしているものは・・・ | |
It's a nourishing herb that gives you a lot of energy, right? | 元気が出る薬草「滋養強草」ですよ | |
It is known is the "Sorrowful Weed". | それは「配憂法草」というものです | |
It is a poisonous plant... if you consume it, you will be plagued with worries. | 毒草です・・・ 口に入れるとやたら心配性に なってしまいます |
What?! A plant like that really exists...? | えーっ! ? そんな草が・・・ |
The undersides of the leaves are slightly white. | 葉の裏側が 少し白いのが特徴です |
Y-you're right! That was a close one! Thank you so much for the pointer. | ホ・・・ホントだー! 危なかったー! ありがとうございます |
You know a lot about herbs, huh? | 薬草にお詳しいんですね | |
I reside in a forest where many herbs grow. What do you plan to do with them? | 森の民ですから その薬草はどうされますか? |
I'm a frail person, so I was hoping to make a medicine with these herbs to give myself some energy. | ボク 体が弱いので 元気になれる薬を研究してるんです |
Hoo hoo... | ホホウ・・・ | |
If you're ok with it, could you please teach me more about herbs? | 良かったらもっと薬草について 教えてくれませんか? |
Well, let us have a round of Pop'n. If you win, I will tell you all I know about herbs. What do you say? | では ポップンをしてあなたが勝ったら 薬草についてお話しするというのは いかがですか |
Sounds good to me. I think a Pop'n match with you will be really interesting! | いいですね おもしろそうです |
Ok, looks like I'm doing pretty well today. | よし 今日はうまくいったぞ | |
You are quite skilled. As promised, then, let me tell you a little about certain herbs. | お上手ですね お約束通り 薬草について 少しお話ししましょうか |
Yay! Thank you so much! | やったぁ!ありがとうございます | |
This one is known as "Scatterbang Grass." This energizing herb will make you want to run endlessly, but take caution not to use too much. | この「色々爆草 」 無尽に走りだしたくなるほど 元気がでる薬草ですが 使用量には注意が必要です |
Hmhm... Scatterbang Grass, huh... | ふむふむ・・・色々爆草・・・ | |
Furthermore, this herb is known as "Hopeful Grass." Its seeds, when consumed, brighten the mood of the one who eats them. They are known as the "Seeds of Hope" because of this. | さらにこれが「希望草 」 種に効果があって 気持ちが前向きになり 「キボウノタネ」と呼ばれています |
I see... | なるほど・・・ | |
Hoo hoo~ And this one is... | ホッホウ そしてこれが・・・ |
この後4時間 薬草についての レクチャーは続いた・・・ |
(Upon clearing this story, Symsonic Breeze will be available in the Lapistoria folder for permanent play, and Harpya will become playable.)