The super-sweet dentist has come to Lapistoria to check on the students' dental health!
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Afterschool Laboratory must be cleared in order to play this story.
Looks like I'll be doing dental checks at this school today. Let's see, first up is... | 今日はこの学園で歯科検診ね えーっとまずは・・・ |
It's nice to meet you, Doc~ ☆ | よろしくお願いしま〜す☆ | |
You must be Michiru. Okay, please open your mouth wide~ | ミチルくんね はい じゃあ口を大きく開けてね〜 |
Okay, all done! *nod nod* Not a cavity in sight. Your teeth are pure white and very beautiful! | はいオッケー うんうん 虫歯もないし 真っ白でとてもきれいな歯だね |
Of course! ☆ 'Cause clean teeth are some of the most important things an idol needs! | はいっ☆ アイドルは歯が命ですから |
An idol...? Huh?! Does that mean you're Michiru from MesiA?! | アイドル・・・? あれ!?もしかして MesiAのミチルくん!? |
Haha! ☆ Looks like I've been found out. | ハハッ☆ バレちゃいましたね |
You seem so proud of yourself... aaah, I never thought I'd meet you at your school...! | すっごい自己主張してたけど・・・ あーでもまさか ミチルくんがこの学園にいたなんて・・・! |
Haha! ☆ Well, let's keep this a secret between you ・ and ・ me... alright? | ハハッ☆ ボクとキミだけの ヒ・ミ・ツ・・・だよ? |
Kyaah~ ♥ My goodness! I'm keeping a secret between myself and a popular idol! Kyaaah~ ♥ | キャー ♥ どうしよう!人気アイドルと 2人だけのヒミツ作っちゃったー! キャー ♥ |
Excuse me... Can I go next...? | すみません・・・ 次 いいですか・・・? |
Ah! ...*ahem!* L-let's see here... You must be Nicolas. Okay, please open your mouth wide~ | はっ!... コホン え えーっと ニコラくんね はい じゃあ口を大きく開けてね〜 |
Okay, all done! *nod* Not a single cavity to be seen. That's proof you brush your teeth properly every day. | はいオッケー うん 虫歯ひとつないね 毎日ちゃんと歯磨きしている証拠だね |
Yes, every day and properly. This is what I use to brush my teeth, actually. | ええ ちゃんと毎日 これを使って歯磨きしていますから |
Huh?! What is this... a really green paste...?! | えっ!? なにこの緑色のペーストは・・・!? |
That's right. I made this toothpaste myself. | はい ボクが自作した歯磨き粉です |
Homemade toothpaste...?! | 自作の歯磨き粉・・・!? | |
The formula I used makes it pretty thick, but using it will wipe out any cavities with no trace left. | 配合は密ですけどこれを使えば 口内の虫歯菌は跡形もなく吹き飛びます |
Huh...? "Wipe out" like an explosion?! | え・・・? 爆発するの!? |
That's right! But it feels more like a rock candy explosion. | ええ といっても はじけるアメくらいの爆発ですが |
I-I see... you made something really amazing, that's for sure... Well, just keep doing what you're doing and take good care of your teeth!... | そ そう・・・ なかなかすごいもの作ってるね・・・ じゃあ今後もその調子で歯を大切にね |
I will, thank you very much! | はい ありがとうございました |
Alright, last one for today must be you, Gerhard. Okay, please open your mouth wide~ | よーし 最後は ゼルハルトくん はい 口を大きく開けてね〜 |
Mgh... | むーん・・・ | |
Um... I can't do a check-up if you don't let me see inside. Could you open up a little wider, please?~ | うーん・・・ 口開けてもらえないと 中見えないから ちゃんと開けてね〜 |
Mrrghhh... | むーん・・・ | |
Hrmm... If you're gonna be stubborn about it... I'll just open your mouth by force...! | ムムム・・・ そういう子には・・・ 力ずくで・・・! |
OWOWOWOWOWOW!!! | あががががががが!!! | |
AAAAH!! Your mouth is full of potential cavities! Are you brushing your teeth properly?! How many sweets have you been eating?! | ああーっ! 虫歯予備軍がいっぱい! ちゃんと歯磨きしてる? お菓子ばっかり食べてない? |
I... I haven't eaten any sweets...! | た・・・ 食べてないもーん |
Listen to me- you have to brush your teeth properly every day, okay? | ちゃんと歯磨きしないと ダメだよ? |
Shut uuup! I don't have any cavities, and I won't get any! I'm fine!! | うるさーいっ! 虫歯になんかならないから 平気だもーん! |
If you're gonna be like that... then I'll just have to brush your teeth myself with Nicolas' explosive toothpaste! | そういうこと言う子には・・・ ニコラくんの爆発する歯磨き粉で 歯磨きしてもらうよっ! |
HUH?! Whaddya mean by that?! I don't want thaaat!!! | ええー!? なにそれ? やだよぉぉぉおおお! |
Then do you promise to brush your teeth properly with a regular toothpaste? | じゃあちゃんと ふつうの歯磨き粉で歯磨きする? |
Uuu... I promise... | うぅ・・・ わかったよ・・・ |
Okay! Take good care of your teeth from now on! | よし! じゃあこれからは 歯を大切にねっ! |
Whew! That was pretty tough. All these kids have such strong habits... | ふうつ! なんか癖が強い子が多くて 大変だったなぁ |
*gasp!* Right, Michiru was here...! I-I gotta get his autograph!! | はっ! そういえばミチルくん・・・! サ・・・サインもらわなくっちゃ! |
(Upon clearing this story, the ドキッ♥ effect will be available to apply. Press 0 on the character select screen to apply it, and keep an eye on your time limit!)