MZD has an important mission for the Tsugidoka crew...?
Clearing this story will unlock the song 朱と碧のランページ and its character, Akane.
(For the first part of this story, characters are in the normal Pop'n artstyle. They won't have colored BGs in order to reflect this. Further returns to the Pop'n World will be the same.)
Yo! Glad you guys could make it. | よーっす よく来たなお前ら |
Why'd you call us so suddenly? I was in the middle of a game. | なんだよ急に呼び出して オレ 略ゲーで忙しいんだけど |
Well, I've noticed lately that there's a lot less Pop-kuns around. If we don't do something about that, this world will lose all of its sound. | 実は最近ポップ君が なんか少なくてな このままじゃこの世界から 音がなくなっちまうんだ |
WHAAAT?! How could you say something so serious so casually...? | ええーっ! ? そんな大事なことをさらっと・・・ |
And apparently, it's got something to do with the school in Lapistoria. I'm a busy guy, though, and it'd be too much of a hassle to float around campus, y'know? I stand out. | で どうもその原因が「ラピストリア」の 学園にあるみたいでな オレもいろいろ忙しいし 学園にいると浮いちゃうだろ? |
So I'd like you guys to look into it for me. | で お前らでなんとかしてほしいわけよ | |
Hm... I'm still not convinced. But it'd be worse to leave something as important as this alone. | うーん・・・ イマイチ納得しきれないが そんな一大事を 放っておくわけにもいかないな |
That's true... Alright, then! We'll get this sorted and help out the Pop'n World! | そうだな よっしゃ! ポップンワールドのためにも 俺たちでなんとかしてくるぜ! |
Alright, then it's settled! I'll give you guys these, then. | よし 決まりだな じゃあこれを渡しておく |
This is a lapis that'll let you travel between Lapistoria and the Pop'n World. | ラピストリアとポップンワールドを 行き来するのに必要な「ラピス」だ |
Ooh... so, how do we use these? | ヘー で これどうやって使うんだ? |
Just pour your thoughts into your lapis, and say that you wanna go to Lapistoria! | ラピストリアに行きたい! って ラピスに思いを込めるだけだ |
Gotcha! I wanna go to Lapistoria... I wanna go to Lapistoria... | よーし! ラピストリアに行きたい・・・ ラピストリアに行きたい・・・ |
| don't have to say it out loud, y'know. | ・・・ 別に口に出さなくてもいーぞ |
Hm...? | ん・・・? |
WOOOAAAH?! | うおおおおー!? | |
Oh my! | あらあら | |
AAAAAAH!! | キャーッ! | |
... | ・・・ |
Whew... so this is Lapistoria? All I saw was our lapises shining- it went by so quick!~ | ふぅ・・・ ここがラピストリアかぁ〜 ラピスが光ったと思ったら あっという間だったなぁ |
I'm glad you all seem to be unharmed. | 良かった みんな無事みたいね |
So, what do we do now? | で、これからどうすんだ? | |
I think first and foremost, we should investigate anything that's been going on here. | まずはいろいろ 調べてみるしかないだろうな |
Very well. Let's split up, then. We'll find out what's happening quicker this way. | じゃあ 手分けして 今何が起こっているのか 調べてみましょう |
Alright! Let's go, Fuga! | よし! じゃあいこうぜ風雅 |
(In which I decided to have Retsu call Akane "Grams" by way of Twitter poll.)
That being said... I have no clue where to start... | つっても・・・ 手がかりも何もないよなぁ・・・ |
Oh! If it isn't Retsu! | おお! 烈じゃないか! | |
GRAMS!? | ばーちゃん! ? | |
"Grams"?! | ばーちゃん! ? | |
Oh, are you one of Retsu's friends? My name is Akane, and I am his grandmother. | おや お友達かな? 烈の祖母の茜と申します |
(No matter how you look at her, she doesn't look like a grandma at all...) | どう見ても 祖母には見えないが・・・ |
Oh yeah, Grams. There's been a lot less Pop-kuns in the Pop'n World lately. Do you know anything about that? | そうだばーちゃん 最近ポップンワールドで ポップ君が減ってるんだけど なんか知らないかな? |
Hmmm... Pop-kuns... could it have to do with that? | ふーむ・・・ ポップ君がのう・・・ ひょっとしてあれかのう? |
Do you know anything? | 何か知ってるんですか? | |
Come with me. | ついておいで |
I'd like for you two to see this. | 2人とも これを見てみい |
Is this... a lapis...? But it looks so dirty... | これは・・・ラピス・・・? でもなんか汚れてるような・・・ |
Correct. Those with polluted lapises such as these are unable to travel to the Pop'n World to play Pop'n. | そうじゃ このようにラピスが汚染され ポップンをしにポップンワールドに 行けなくなっている者が多くおる |
I see, that would explain the shortage of Pop-kuns... but what do we do about the lapis...? | つまり そのせいでポップ君が減っている ということか・・・ でもこれをどうすれば・・・? |
Well, we do... this! | それには・・・これじゃ! | |
Waugh?! You set it on fire?! Wait... is this the same as my Fate Purification...? | うおおお!? 火が出た!? これは・・・オレの運命浄化と同じ・・・? |
Correct! Use your flames to purify the lapis! | そうじゃ! その炎でラピスを浄化するのじゃ! |
Alright! I'll give it a shot...! | よっしゃ! やってみるか・・・! |
Fate... PURIFICATION!! | 運命・・・浄化ァッ! | |
Hoho, looks like you did it. | ほほう できたようじゃな |
I see now. This must be why he chose the 4 of us to do this... | なるほど これがオレ達4人が選ばれた もうひとつの理由か・・・ |
What do you mean? | どういうことだ? | |
I mean that if we each use our abilities, we can purify lapises. | それぞれの技を使えば ラピスを浄化できるってことさ |
Ohh, that so? | へー そうなのか? |
Well, we won't know for sure unless we try... | やってみないことには わからないがな |
Alright, alright. Now that we've finished with the purification, it's been a while since I've played Pop'n with my grandson... | よしよし それじゃあ浄化も終わったことだし 久しぶりに孫とポップンしてみるか |
Alright! I'm not gonna lose! | よっしゃ! 負けねーからな! |
Hoho, you've certainly improved. | ほほう 腕をあげたなあ |
Hehe! | へへっ | |
I wonder why lapises are being polluted like this. | しかしどうして ラピスが汚染されているんだろうな |
I cannot say I know why myself... | それはワシにもわからんが・・・ | |
But if we keep purifying polluted lapises, more folks will be able to play Pop'n, right? | でも 汚染されてるラピスを浄化すれば ひとまずポップンする人が増えるだろ? |
So let's look for as many polluted lapises as we can and purify them! | なら 汚染されてるラピスを見つけて 片っ端から浄化していこうぜ! |
Guess that's all we can do for now. | まずはそれしかないかもな |
(Upon clearing this story, 朱と碧のランページ will be available in the Lapistoria folder for permanent play, and Akane will become playable.)