"I knew it... the mastermind wasn't a person at all!" The true culprit, then, is...?!
Clearing this story will unlock the Lapis Lightning (ラピスのいかずち) deco part.
Alright, mission complete...! I was completely in my element back there, especially when it came to hitting the high notes... | よっし 任務完了・・・と さすが俺 余裕だったな 特に今日は高音の伸びが・・・ |
Let's hurry to the next star, Io. | 次の星に急ぐぞ イオ | |
Yeah, yeah, don't gotta tell me twice. You know, Lower, you should work more on holding your notes... | はいはい わかりましたよ ロア お前はもうちょっと 余韻というものをだな・・・ |
Mic test, mic teeest! Yo, Io, Lower! Can you guys hear me? | マイクテス マイクテース! よーっす イオロア聞こえるかー? |
Hm? Is that you, milord? | あれ 神? | |
Sorry to bug you guys while you're on a mission, but could you do me a little favor? | 任務中悪いんだが ちょっくら頼まれてくれっか? |
Whatever you need of us, we'll get it done, milord. We are angels in your service, after all. | なんなりと 一応は 神に仕える天使ですから |
Yeah- so what do you need? I'm up for anything! | なんすか なんでもやるっすよ! | |
Okay, so it seems that a certain someone made a move down in Lapistoria... | どうやら ラピストリアに動きがあったみたいでな |
Hmmm... Even here in White Land, I had a feeling there were less Pop-kuns around... | うむむむ・・・ここホワイトランドでも ポップ君が減ってる気はしていたのだ・・・ |
Mmm... I don't really know what's going on... But I kinda wanna try going to Lapistoria now~ | う〜ん ポエットは よくわかんないや・・・ でも ラピストリア行ってみたいな〜 |
Ah... I see, thank you both. Well, if there's anything else... wait, huh? | あはは・・・そっか ありがとう ね他にもなにか・・・って あれ |
Hellooo, CQCQ*... Heeey, what're you guys up to? | ハローCQCQ ・・・ うーっす お前ら何してる? |
...MZD? What are we up t- We're investigating in White Land like you told us to do! | ・・・MZD? 何してるって・・・ 言われたとおり ホワイトランドを調査中だよ! |
Ahh, right, gotcha. Sorry to bug you guys, but I'm gonna need another favor. | あー そっか そーだった わりぃけど ついでにもひとつ頼むわ |
Well, he's asking as a god this time... guess we gotta do it. | そりゃ神の頼みとあらば するけどね・・・ | |
MZD isn't all that omnipotent, is he... | MZDって全知全能感あまりないよね・・・ | |
Huuuh? What're you talking about now? | あー?今更なに言ってんだ? | |
If I were all-knowing and all-powerful and all that junk, that'd be no fun at all, wouldn't it?! | オレが全知全能じゃ 面白くないだろ? |
Splendid... There seem to be many delicious souls in this forest... | いイゾ・・・この森にモうまそうナ魂ガ・・・ | |
Hrm... you again? | ム・・・まタお前カ | |
Kyahaha! "You again?"! That's supposed to be my line!~ | キャハハ!またお前って! それはこっちのセリフだっての〜 |
Right, right! Since we're both here today, I think I'll snatch up the lapises you've collected! Kyahaha! | そーだ!せっかくだから今日こそ アンタの集めたラピスもらっちゃおーかな! キャハハ! |
Foolish as ever... But if this is what you desire... You will pay the price... | ばかメ・・・望ムところダ ・・・返り討チにしてやル・・・ |
...wait... something is wrong with the lapises... | ・・・待テ・・・ラピスの様子がおかしい・・・ | |
Hmmm? Are they afraid?~ | あれれ〜怖気づいちゃったのかな〜? | |
...? Huh? Seriously, what's going on? | ・・・? あれ? なにコレ? マジ? |
They appear to be drawn to a massive soul... | 巨大な魂ニ 引キ寄せラられようトしている・・・ |
Kyaha! That sounds real interesting!~ I bet something big's about to happen! Kyahahahaha!! | キャハ! なにコレおもしれ〜! 何が起こるんだろ!キャハハハハ! |
No visible injuries... physically, he appears to be unharmed. ...I can't say anything about his mental state, though. | 外傷はない・・・ 体は問題ないようだ ・・・心の方は保証できないが |
I see. ...are you alright, Jade? | うむ・・・ ・・・大丈夫か ジェイド |
......ngh... my lapis... no... that's right, my... lapis... | ・・・・・・ん・・・ ・・・僕の ラピス・・・ いや ・・・そうか 僕は・・・ラピスを・・・ |
That's enough, Jade. You need to get rest now... | ジェイド もう いい 今は 休め・・・ |
So... what is this... thing... this giant lapis...? | で・・・なんなんだよ・・・あれ・・・ あのでっけえラピスは・・・ |
I-it's floating... | う・・・浮いている・・・ | |
Is this... the lapis the chairman was using...? It's a completely different size and color now... | あれが・・・ 理事長の持っていたラピスなのか・・・? 色も大きさも変わっているようだが・・・ |
This is the original lapis- what we're seeing must be its true form. | あれが原初のラピス その真の姿なのだろう | |
Kh... it's still trying to pull our lapises in... | く・・・オレたちのラピスを引き寄せている | |
Wh-what's gonna happen?! | ど・・・どうなっちゃうのー?! |
Humans... | 人間たち・・・ | |
It... | しゃ・・・ | |
IT TALKED!!! | しゃべったーーー!!! | |
I understand your intentions. I shall recreate this world. | あなたがたの意思はわかりました 私はやり直すことにします |
Recreate... but didn't MZD create you? | やり直すって・・・ MZDがお前を作ったんじゃないのかよ |
My very first memory is of an order to raise the number of companions in this world. Every lapis was born of me as a result. | 私の最初の記憶は 仲間を増やせという命令 全てのラピスは私から生まれました |
But that man has immersed himself in the Pop'n World for so long that he has neglected this world. Now, I am the only one fit to oversee Lapistoria. | あの男はポップンワールドに没頭し この世界を放置しすぎました こちらの世界を管理できるのは 私しかいません |
You... but you're a rock! | 私って・・・石じゃん! | |
I don't care if you are the original lapis, but there's no way I'm gonna let a giant rock make all the rules! | 原初のラピスかなんか知らないけど 石に好き勝手にされてたまるかよ! |
Ah... Nia... Toa... | あ・・・ ニア・・・トア・・・ |
These two shall be as my limbs. | この二人には 私の手足となってもらいます |
Purifier boy. You, too, have great potential to become my vessel... you have every necessary quality. | 浄化する少年 あなたにも私の”よりまし” ・・・ 容れ物となる素晴らしい素質がある |
Huh... was that supposed to be a compliment...? | あれ・・・なんか褒められてる・・・? | |
This is not something to be happy about! | 喜んでどうするの! | |
In other words, you're looking for someone to take control of. Just like what you did with the chairman. | とりつく相手を探しているということだろう 理事長のようにな |
Seriously?! I don't wanna get wrapped up in that! | マジで?! そんなのお断りだぜ! | |
I had attempted this with that boy, yes. But seeing your reaction, it would appear that your human nature is causing difficulties. | そこの彼を使って試させてもらいましたが あなたには人としての性質に 難があったようです |
And now it's belittling me!! | 今度はけなされてる! |
There is no reason for you all to keep your lapises. | もう あなたがたにラピスは必要ありません | |
I shall take them back. | 返してもらいましょう | |
HYAAA! It's pulling them in again! | ひゃっ!引っ張られるー! | |
Kh... It's really giving its all to take them back. Rather than turning our lapises into rocks, it wants to absorb them... | く・・・本気で取り返しに来たな 我々のラピスを石ころに変えるよりは 吸収するつもりらしい・・・ |
Gh... what'll happen if it absorbs our lapises, then...?! | ぐ・・・ ラピスを吸収されたらどうなるんだ・・・! |
...at the very least... we won't be able to return to the Pop'n World... | ・・・少なくとも・・・ ポップンワールドには戻れなくなるな・・・ |
Urgh... this isn't good... isn't there anything we can do?! | う・・・やばい状況・・・変わってないじゃんか! | |
I-I can't hold on anymore...! | も・・・もうだめ・・・! | |
AAAH!! OUR LAPISES!! | あぁーー!! オレたちのラピスがぁ!! |
(Upon clearing this story, the Lapis Lightning deco part will be available to apply. Press 0 on the character select screen to apply it, and keep an eye on your time limit!)