The principal finally speaks up, just when something terrible happens to Retsu...
Clearing this story will unlock the Premonition (胸騒ぎ) deco part.
Maybe Retsu was that girl's client... he must've sent her to tail me... | おそらく 彼女の依頼主は烈だと思う・・・ オレを届けて・・・ |
Some friendship that is for him to snoop on you like that. | お友達を嗅ぎまわるとは大した友情だな | |
! | ! | |
Easy there, Black. Retsu is likely growing frantic because he can't use his purification ability. But that doesn't change the fact that we still need his help. | ブラック やめておけ 浄化が出来なくなった焦りもあるのだろう だが彼の力が必要であることに変わりない |
Yours as well, Fuga. | 風雅君 キミもな |
...! | ・・・! | |
Weiss...! | ヴァイス・・・ ! | |
Oh, Black's here too? ...and so is that boy who can control wind... | あら ブラックと・・・風を操る坊やもいたのね | |
We were short on hands, so we needed to borrow a student's help. then, Elenoa, what's the matter? | 我々も人手不足でね 学生の手も借りたいのだよ ・・・で どうしたエレノア |
It's the principal... he wants to speak with you. | 校長が・・・話をしたいそうよ |
You seemed quite set on keeping silent... what provoked the change of heart? | だんまりを決め込んでおいて・・・ どういう風の吹き回した? |
I've had some time to think. Even now, I do not believe my thought process wrong; the power of purification shouldn't be limited to a select few. | 考える時間だけは頂けたのでな 今でも私自身の考えが 間違っていたとは思わない 浄化の力は限定されるべきではないのだ |
However, I have made one major miscalculation. We have significantly less time than I first thought. | だがひとつ 私にも見込み違いがあった 思っていた以上に 時間は残されていないらしい |
(...!) | ・・・! | |
Has something crossed your mind, Black? | ブラックは思い当たる節があるようだな | |
...yeah. I could tell something was wrong with it. | ・・・ああ どうも様子がおかしいと思っていた | |
Correct. It's become clear now that even black lapises are beginning to resonate with each other. | そうだ これは間違いない 黒ラピスが共鳴をはじめている |
What do you mean by that...? | どういうこと・・・? | |
The original owner of every lapis... they will be here soon. | ラピスの・・・ 本来の所有者が来ているということだよ |
Big brother, do that thing one more time! That "Fate Purification" thing that you did! | お兄ちゃん さっきのもう一回やってみてよー うんめーじょーかーってやつ! |
Oh, come on! I don't have time to play with you, kid! | あーもー! オレはちびっこと遊んでる場合じゃ ないんだってば! |
RETSU! | 烈君! | |
I finally found you! Honestly, lookin' for you took way longer than lookin' for Fuga! | こんなとこにいたっすか! まったく風雅君探すより 骨が折れたっす |
Oh, ah, umm... ...what's up? | お あー えーと・・・ ・・・なんだっけ? |
You ask this super beautiful, super talented genius detective to do something for you and you greet her with a "What's up" ?! What kind of greeting is that?! | この超絶美少女超有能天才名探偵に 依頼しといて なんだっけとは ごあいさつっすねえ! |
Well, just as you said, I did find Fuga hangin' around with the doctor. Also, while I was there... | 烈君の言ってた通り 風雅君は保健の先生と一緒にいたっすけど そのついでに・・・ |
I got to understand your purification struggles, and I've got just the solution for it! Wowww~ Isn't Suiri just the best or what?! | さっきから烈君が悩んでた 浄化の仕方がわかっちゃったっす! いや〜 翠里 超有能っす! |
FOR REAL?! I... NEVER-EVER expected you to find a solution to that! You really are a great detective!! | マジ?! 全 っ 然 っ・・・ 期待してなかったけど! ほんとに名探偵だったんだな! |
Alright, on my mark! | よーし せーのっ! | |
FATE PURIFICATION!! | 運命浄化!! | |
............... No good! | ・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・ダメじゃん! * |
Huhwuhwuh... that's weird. Maybe our timing was off? | ありゃりゃん・・・ おかしいっすね タイミングが合わなかったかもしれないっす |
Kusukusukusu... Even with big sister here, nothing happened... how strange. | くすくすくす・・・ お姉ちゃんまで一緒になって・・・ おっかしいの |
Why the heck are you still watching? C'mon, c'mon, good kids like you should be getting home by now... | なんだよ まだ見てたのかよ ほらほら良い子はそろそろ お家に帰る時間・・・ |
Kususu... Shall I give it a go, then...? | くすす・・・ 僕がやってあげようか・・・? |
Fate Purification! | 運命浄化! | |
What...?! | え・・・!? | |
(*ba-thump...!*) | (ドクン・・・!) |
(...?!) | ・・・?! | |
Retsu?! Just now... that was his... | 烈か?! これは・・・烈の・・・ |
What the hell... did that girl do something to him?! | どういうことだ あの小娘が何かしたのか・・・? |
It couldn't have been her... Her presence had no bearing on any of this... so it had to have been... | そんなはずはない・・・ 彼女の存在は何ら影響を与えない・・・ まさか・・・ |
That one must have made contact with him first. I did say they would be here soon. | 接触したのだろうな あの方が来ていると言っただろう |
...damnit, such a massive oversight... So that's what they were after... | ・・・くっ 失策だったな 奴もそれが狙いか・・・ |
...We need to get over there. | ・・・行くしかないわね |
R-Retsu...?! Are you ok?! Are you feelin' sick?! Do you need to lie down?! | れ 烈君・・・?! 大丈夫っすか! 体調悪いっすか! 横になるっすか! |
Wh-what... is this... I'm still conscious... | な なんだ・・・これ 意識が・・・ |
Kusukusu... I can tell you've been holding back. Go on, let out your strength as much as you'd like... | くすくす・・・ 我慢してたんだね 思う存分力を解放するといいよ |
Y-you... just who the fuck are you... ngh...! | お お前・・・ 何者なんだよ・・・っう |
Retsu! You gotta stay strong!! | 烈君! しっかりするっすー!! |
What the hell... What the hell is going on...?!?! | なんだこれ・・・ なんなんだよこれぇ・・・!! |
GHK--- | う | |
うわああああああああああああああ ああああああああああああああああ ああああああああああああああああ ああああああああああああああああ |
(Upon clearing this story, the Premonition deco part will be available to apply. Press 0 on the character select screen to apply it, and keep an eye on your time limit!)
(Retsu's alternate portrait will also be unlocked. It uses the same animations as his default Lapistoria self, so it's not much to write home about. But hey, if you're into that, then...)