As Retsu gets treated for a sprained wrist, Fuga grows suspicious of the doctor...
Clearing this story will unlock the song Versa and its character, Weiss.
(Retsu and Fuga are in gym uniforms for this story.)
Heeey! Pass it, pass it! | ヘーイ パスパース! |
Ouch! | いててっ! | |
?! | !? | |
Ngh... I think I sprained my wrist... | うーん・・・ 手首ひねったかも・・・ |
Hey, now... | おいおい・・・ | |
I'm gonna go to the infirmary for a bit... | とりあえず保健室行ってくる・・・ | |
... | ・・・ | |
(... Class is over...) | ・・・授業が終わったな・・・ | |
(... I guess I should go check on him.) | ・・・様子を見に行ってみるか |
Excuse me. | すみませーん | |
Oh? What's the matter? | おや どうしたのかな? |
I sprained my wrist in gym class... | 体育の授業で 手首ひねっちゃって・・・ |
Oh dear, that's not good. Have a seat over there, then. | おっと それは大変だ じゃあそこに座って |
(...There he is...) | ・・・ ここだな・・・ |
Hmm, hmm. It appears to be a minor sprain. I'll give you first aid for now, and you can go to the hospital for it later. | ふむふむ これは軽いねんざかな とりあえず応急処置しておくから あとで病院にいくんだよ |
Okay. | はーい | |
...By the way, would you happen to know anything about the polluted lapises? | ・・・ ところでキミは ラピスの汚染について 何か知っているかい? |
(?!) | !? |
Huh?! Is yours polluted as well, Doctor? | えっ!? 先生のも汚染されてんのか? |
Ah, no, no. My lapis is fine for the time being, but several students have been coming to my office with polluted lapises lately. | あ、いやいや そういうわけではないんだけどね 最近そういう生徒をよく見かけるなーって |
I'm not sure what's causing it, but if I use my powers I can purify- | オレも原因はよくわかんないんだけど オレの力を使えば浄・・・ |
Hold on. | ちょっと待て | |
Woah! Fuga, what're you doing here? | うわっ! なんだ風雅 居たのかよ |
Don't you think the conversation's headed in a strange direction? All of a sudden, you two are talking about lapises... | 今 話の流れが おかしかっただろ 急にラピスの話に・・・ |
You think so? | そうか? | |
... | ・・・ | |
Oops. I was thinking to stay quiet until he got back, but turns out that was harder than I thought it'd be... | おっと なかなかするどいね 彼が来るまでは おとなしくしているつもりだったが・・・ |
"He"...? | 「彼」・・・? |
Who do you mean by "he"? | 「彼」とは誰のことだ? | |
That's none of your concern. | それはキミたちには関係ない | |
Whaaat?! C'mon, Doctor, what do you know?! Ow ow ow... | なんだ!? 先生、なんか知ってんのか!? いででっ |
You keep quiet. | お前はおとなしくしておけ | |
I'm not saying anything else. | これ以上話すことはないよ | |
Hold it. You're having a match with me. Now. | 待て オレと勝負だ |
Let's not make things worse than they are... | あまりことを荒立てたくないんだけどなぁ |
You're pretty good... | なかなかやるね | |
Now, tell us what you know. | さあ 知っていることを話してもらおうか |
Like I said before, I'm not saying anything else on this topic. Now, if you'll excuse me! | さっきも言ったけど これ以上話すことはない 失礼する! |
Hey, hold it!! | おい! 待て! |
Waaait! Owowowow! | 待てー! いでででっ! |
Calm down, you're still injured! | けが人はおとなしくしておけ | |
Damnit... just who is that doctor...? | くそー 何者なんだあの先生 |
Whatever his deal is, he definitely knows something. And whoever he meant earlier... could he be the cause of the pollutions...? | 何か知ってそうだったな それに「彼」って・・・ まさかアイツが汚染の元凶・・・? |
(Upon clearing this story, Versa will be available in the Lapistoria folder for permanent play, and Weiss will become playable.)