Separate from the rest of the crew, Fuga sees someone unfamiliar...
Clearing this story will unlock the song INFINITY and its character, Black.
(Hm...? Is that... a student from the school? I don't think I've seen him before...) | ん・・・? 学園の生徒・・・か? 見かけたことがないな・・・ |
Hey. | おい | |
..... | ・・・・・ |
Are you a student here? | キミはここの生徒か? | |
..... | ・・・・・ | |
...? Answer me. | ・・・? 何か答えろ |
..... If I'm not a student, what am I then? | ・・・・・ 生徒じゃなかったら なんなんだ? |
So you're an outsider...? Then why are you here? | つまり部外者・・・? なぜここにいる? |
I don't owe you an answer. | 答える義務はない | |
...suspicious... | ・・・怪しい・・・ | |
We're ready now. Let's go, Black! | 準備は整った 行くぞブラック! |
You're...!! | お前は・・・!! |
You're...! | キミは・・・! | |
What is it? Do you know him? | なんだ? 知り合いか? | |
Well, we're... acquainted... it's a bit of a touchy subject. | 知り合い・・・か・・・ 微妙なところだね |
No way... is this the guy you were talking about in the infirmary?! | まさか・・・こいつが 保健室で言っていた 「彼」か!? |
The fact you're involved here makes me that more skeptical of you... It's as I thought. You're the source of the lapis pollutions... | お前が関わっているということは ますます怪しいな・・・ やはりお前たちが ラピス汚染の元凶・・・ |
What was that...?! You think the pollutions are MY fault...?! You bastard! I'll never forgive you...! | なんだと・・・!? オレが汚染の元凶・・・!? 貴様! 絶対に許さん・・・! |
Calm down, Black! Have you forgotten what we're here to do?! | 落ち着けブラック! 本来の目的を忘れたのか!? |
This won't take long! | すぐに終わる! | |
...?! A polluted- wait, no... a black lapis...?! | ・・・!? 汚染・・・いや・・・ 黒いラピス・・・!? |
Kh...! Not bad... | くっ・・・! なかなかやるな |
Now, let me ask some questions. What's the deal with your lapis? Are you the source of the pollutions?! | 答えてもらうぞ そのラピスはなんだ? ラピス汚染の元凶は お前たちなのか!? |
Even just suggesting that the pollutions are my fault...! You're absolutely unforgivable...! | オレが・・・汚染の元凶などという 発言だけは・・・! 絶対に許さん・・・! |
...? You mean you two aren't...? | ・・・? つまりお前たちじゃないと・・・? |
That's enough. I'm sorry, but you'll have to excuse us now. We have some urgent business to attend to. | そこまでだ 悪いけど 今回も失礼させてもらうよ 急ぎの用があるのでね |
No...! Hold on! | なっ・・・! 待て! |
(Upon clearing this story, INFINITY will be available in the Lapistoria folder for permanent play, and Black will become playable.)