You're hopefully already aware of this, but the climax of Lapistoria takes place in an abandoned laboratory that Jade (while possessed by Lapis Origin) teleports everyone to. A lot of lore gets dumped on us when we're there... a LOT. And there's a good bit more hidden in unlikely places. This page is gonna document all that because I feel this lore, and therefore the lore the associated characters get, goes beyond anything I've ever seen from Pop'n.

This shit gets pretty heavy.

The Lab's Purpose

This lab, according to Jadeite (Two Worlds Ep. 2), was the original location of lapis and purification research. Those with the ability to purify lapises were trained here, and black lapises were mass-produced as well. However, it seems that more immoral experiments took place here as well, namely genetic modification.

Jadeite and Weiss were researchers at this lab, with the latter coming to deeply regret his involvement and atoning to this day. Black and Jade were two of the test tube children born from the experiments here. There were more children according to Elenoa (Two Worlds Ep. 3), but these are the only two that are playable.

Black's purpose was to be a living weapon, and Weiss was involved in his creation (Versa character comments). Since genetic modification is listed as a dislike on his cards, it's implied that he was subject to a lot of it. Naturally, it was very traumatic for him (SP miss animation and Two Worlds Ep. 2).
Jade's purpose is somewhat unclear, but it's implied in his character comments that he was cloned from Jadeite. What else can "inheriting the principal's genes" mean, after all?

It's implied that of the several experiments carried out, Jade was the only success of the bunch- while possessed, he yells at Black not to lump him in with the rest of the victims, having been "above the rest even back then" (Two Worlds Ep. 3).

Destruction and Consequences

I present to you first this excerpt from the most unlikely of places. For an event that took place across Éclale and Usaneko, someone asked a question about Black and Weiss...


This is the outline as it was written on the documents for Black and Weiss.
Black was born as a test tube baby to be raised into a combat soldier, but when that research fell through, he was supposed to be buried in darkness.
It seems Weiss took action, as seen in his FEVER animation.

As Black was considered a failure, "burying him in darkness" can only mean one thing- putting him down. Weiss, full of regrets, instigated the lab's destruction with Elenoa, rescuing him and freeing the other children in the process. Per Black's Lapistoria character comments, there was an explosion which resulted in the disappearance (death in some cases?) of several other researchers. It is perhaps due to this that Black and Weiss (and potentially Elenoa too) remain on the run from the surviving researchers involved with the lab at that time (character comments say he's still a part of their organization, but Black's reaction to Suiri in The Detective Girl's final episode implies this). Following the lab's destruction, the school was built, complete with a lab hidden in Jadeite's office so he could continue his purification research (Two Worlds Ep. 3).

But it seems like not everyone was saved in that event... Some way or another, it's heavily implied that Jade was left behind in the destroyed lab. And compound that with the fact that he eventually becomes a vessel for Lapis Origin (this may tie into why he was created, but nothing's stated in canon)... not quite a fun time, now is it.

Questions Yet Unanswered

I did overlook some things that might be important...

But that's that. Pop'n would never again give us lore like this. They should change that.


Black struggles between hatred and trust, but he and Weiss are working hard for the revolution even now. Please continue to cheer them on. ブラックくんは憎しみと信頼の狭間でもがきつつ

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